Sanistream Tablet Dispenser

Sanistream Tablet Dispenser

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Sanistream Inline Table Dispenser

SaniStream® Direct Line Filtration system is a unique technology which offers a safe, convenient and effective sanitiser dispenser to give an integrated spa water treatment system. SaniStream® is suitable for both domestic hot tubs and allows compliance with Section 76 of HSG282 regulations for hot tubs installed in holiday let units.

Chlorine or bromine tablets can be inserted and the dispenser to be either locked to the underside of a removable filter handle or slotted internally into the filter hole on compatible SaniStream Filters.

Setting can be adjusted accordingly by twisting the outer casing of the SaniStream dispenser to reveal more or less outlet holes.


  • SaniStream dispenser is re-usable
  • Can be used with Chlorine or Bromine Tablets
  • Can be used with Jacuzzi adapted filter basket
  • Robust design and build