Scuba II Pool and Spa Water Tester
Scuba II Pool Tester
Used for pool and hot tub water testing. Domestic pool users can now benefit from the entrusted Lovibond technology used in public pools at a cost suited, of course, to the home owner. The new Scuba II is a small, compact, easy-to-use digital water tester for the 5 most important tests: Free Chlorine, Total Chlorine, pH, Alkalinity, Cyanuric Acid and Bromine. This buoyant, watertight instrument is ideal for quick home testing (results displayed in a large viewing area within 1 minute). Supplied with sufficient tablets for a normal season’s testing, it is the ideal solution for domestic users looking for accurate, digital results.
- Handheld device for measuring pool & spa water parameters
- Free chlorine, total chlorine, bromine, pH, alkalinity-m & cyanuric acid
- Modern, ergonomic design, floats and waterproof if dropped in pool water
- Comes complete with testing tablets, stirring rod and 2 x AAA batteries
- LED display, water sample chamber, three buttons mode, test/zero & on
- Supplied with 20 x DPD 1 and Phenol Red tablets and 10 x DPD 3, CyA and Alka-M-Photometer tablets, plus stirring rod